Friday, April 19, 2019

Wounded SoulWounded Soul by Annabelle Jacobs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love the whole vampires and humans trope. Especially when the human has no idea that vampires exist. So this was a very fun read for me.

From the start I was instantly drawn to Ian. His unrequited crush on his best friend had halted his social life and he was finally trying to do something about it when he meets Jesse. He didn't hold back his feelings or emotions and he was fiercely loyal.

Jesse just wanted to love someone. He wanted to be able to call someone his and protect them. It hadn't worked out so well in the past, so he was careful and cautious. But something with Ian just clicked.

I liked the friction in this story. There was a ton of potholes and traps to get to the end and it created suspense and intrigue. I also really enjoyed the tense, intimate moments that took place when Ian and Jesse were together. It just really solidified their bond and made it real, even in the short amount of time that the story takes place.

Overall, this was highly entertaining and full of surprise. I enjoyed Annabelle Jacobs take on a human society living with vampires and the world building that was described. A very enjoyable read.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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