Friday, April 19, 2019

Love is a Walk in the ParkLove is a Walk in the Park by V L Locey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sheer perfection. I laughed so many times at this story and it really made my life a bit better.

Duane has just broken up with his girlfriend, yet again, and this time she's taken everything BUT the dog. Which is fine, except he needs to be walked. A lot. When Duane is catcalled by a fiercely vocal, boisterous twink at the dog park his social awkwardness rears it's ugly head. But it gets him to notice and react.

Sullivan is a charming, loud, flighty, wildly fabulous twink with a flair for fashion and dancing. And one look at Duane and the hot pants are ON! Sully was an entire story on his own. His brilliant adjectives and diva personality had me spitting out my soda and wishing I had a real life Sully as my bff.

The two MC's together were a masterpiece. They balanced each other out perfectly and fully, each part of them working together to create a brilliant tour de force.

Every character involved was witty and fun, adding spice and whimsy to the scene. I loved Duane's roommate Ronan, who cared so much and felt like family. I loved the parents who came through in the end. I loved the dance/theater group who believed in and supported Sully through his horrifying encounter.

There were good times, bad times, fun times and sexy times and they all flowed so well. I was thoroughly impressed at this collaboration between VL Locey and her daughter Stephanie and hope to see more!

I absolutely recommend reading this fantastic story of love and overcoming life's obstacles together, hand in hand. You will fall in love, I promise.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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