Sunday, April 21, 2019

If We Could Go BackIf We Could Go Back by Cara Dee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I loved this story of hope and faith and love and second chances and heartbreak. But, I will provide a caveat...this probably isn't the book for everyone. Cara Dee has become one of my must read, one click authors, so I didn't even read the blurb before I delved right in. I'm not one for books with cheating. Honestly, that was a major part of this story. If you can get past that, this book is superbly written and angst filled and worth every ounce of guilt that the MC's had.

This is one of those books that makes you realize your life will ever be changed when you reach the last page. I couldn't have predicted how much impact the words on the page had on me. It was beautiful. I felt the emotions run through Kieran and Bennett. I felt the longing, the tenderness, the passion, the regret, and the heartbreak.

So many really tough subjects were brought to the surface in this story and each was met with dialogue of caring and understanding and support. I can't say enough about the brilliant writing that went into creating this story and the significant emotions that were felt. Cara Dee is generous with giving her characters depth and imperfect lives and shaping them into heroes and people you'd be glad to call family.

This is one book that will go on my top 5 for this year, without question.

Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to multiple sites, including*

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