Monday, April 22, 2019

Forever Moore: A Gay Fairy TaleForever Moore: A Gay Fairy Tale by Riley Hart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a delightful spin on Snow White and the Huntsman!

Ansil Eirwin is within months of turning 21, and thus earning his seat as the duke of Ravenswood. But his evil stepfather has nefarious plans. He's asked his brother, the Huntsman, to have him killed so that he can take his place.

Orien Moore has done some bad things in his life, but he's also taken in quite a few needy souls. It's here, in a cabin in the woods that the 7 members of his 'family' dwell and take care of Ansil during his 'kidnapping'.

I loved this fresh take on a classic story. I loved how the apple made an appearance, as well as a mirror. It was a retelling that spoke from the heart. The relationship that blossomed between captive and captor was slow and sweet and the dialogue between the two made my heart ache.

I had so much fun reading Orien and Ansil's story. It was cleverly paced and delightful.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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