Sunday, October 7, 2018

Between the LinesBetween the Lines by Sally Malcolm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes you just need a really sweet story where things work out and Love is found and no one dies and hope is realized.

That is exactly what this story was about.

Letting yourself fall and hope someone will catch you, even though you’ve been dropped before.

This was a great story of a family legacy that was in desperate need of fixing up with no one able to do it, yet selling felt unbearable.

And Luca, who had planned on inheriting the hotel one day was stuck in the middle. He’d run into Theo and made a bad impression and then realized he was there to take away his dream.

Theo had a soft heart and suffered from dyspraxia, leaving him feeling inadequate in many situations. I live to see a MC thrive in life when they suffer roadblocks such as this. And to see how Luca saw this as a way to be closer to Theo, instead of treating him as a child.

Anyway, I was in the mood for a light tale of love and trust and I certainly got it with this book.

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