Sunday, October 7, 2018

Lone WolfLone Wolf by Anna Martin
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had been waiting to read this and I'd seen so many poor reviews and I hoped that I would still love it. I didn't. I don't know that I've ever actually read a book like this where I didn't care for one of the MC's and I really really didn't like the other.

I've read some shifter books and I felt like this one was far from the norm as far as they go. Everything that I've read recently stereotypes shifters as sexually fluid, so this was bizarre to me. I feel like maybe if the roles were reversed and the human was constantly saying he was straight.... no, not even then.

I just don't understand what the point was. Once they finally were together it seemed so strained. Like, the day after and Leo has to ask Jackson if he's attracted to him? Seriously? And if I read the word soulmate one more time...ugh.

The actual writing was excellent, but when it's good writing about something boring and frustrating, it isn't super fun to read. This one was a loss for me, but I will look out for the next Anna Martin work.

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