Friday, May 31, 2019

The Scarecrow & George CThe Scarecrow & George C by Mia Kerick
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3-3.5 Stars

Donovan "Van" dresses like a scarecrow. He's been through something at home and would rather the world not see him at all. The scarecrow is his attempt at scaring away anyone who tries to get close. And now, a senior in high school, he's completely alone.

George C was kicked out of his home when he graduated high school. He survived on the streets and did things for money that he's ashamed of. When he gets a job at the same cafe as Van, he's intrigued by him.

Soon enough, George C's past comes to haunt him and he finds himself at the mercy of Van's quirky moods and raw heart. Both of them come to terms with what friendship means and have to save each other before its too late.

I liked the characters for the most part, but some of the exchanges seemed disembodied. The writing style wasn't my favorite, dipping into fourth wall at times, talking specifically to the reader.

The book was told from both POV's, which was a plus for me, but again, things didn't really seem to line up well. Especially with George C. He had a secret that he wouldn't share, then when he did, it seemed like it was no big deal, then it was shared with everyone without issue. It just left me feeling a bit directionless.

Overall the story was sweet, both MC's worked hard at comforting each other and helping to find the HEA they deserved. It was worth the read, just had me hoping for a bit more as far as style goes.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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