Kiss Me Again by Garrett Leigh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
4.5 Stars
Oh, this tale is so full of angst, but it's balanced with comfort and love in the way that only Garrett Leigh can write. In a word: Powerful.
Aiden and Ludo meet in the hospital. Ludo is there to fight the bipolar demons from his head and Aiden is there after falling from a tree, a van breaking his fall.
Aiden emerges from surgery in pain. So much pain. He's loopy on painkillers and he can't think straight enough to know if the skinny, beautiful man that keeps him company is real. Ludo spends his days longing to sit with Aiden, to simply touch him. And then one day, Ludo is gone.
Months later they find each other again and try to figure out if they care enough about themselves to try to create a life together. With all of its inherent ups and downs.
Okay, can I just say how much I loved Aiden? He was a right git at times, but he was so invested and caring and simply there for Ludo.
And Ludo, with his love for his dog. And basically everything. And his cousin Angelo. I LOVED that Angelo was mentioned as the dancing cousin. But Ludo was such a real character, and his worry over being too much, too hard, too consuming... it was just the right amount of angst. And Garrett Leigh can write angst perfectly. It's never too much. It's just perfectly done, leaving you both worried for and loving the character.
At the end of Kiss Me Again> I just wanted to hug Ludo and Aiden and tell them how proud I was. Such a great book!
Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. To be cross posted on upon publication*
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