Thursday, April 18, 2019

Mud & Lace (Rainbow Place, #4)Mud & Lace by Jay Northcote
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Self discovery is a vast, scary, exhausting experience and one that isn't easy to express. Jay Northcote has taken this delicate notion and created a wildly romantic, generous tale of two men united in their journey and given them both the words and means to support each other and has done it with excellence.

Charlie's character has always had a feminine side. He's been ashamed and scared of showing it...afraid of his friends opinions as well as his mother. When he takes the chance to dress up and sing as Lady Gogo at Rainbow Place, he finally feels like a piece of the puzzle has snapped into place.

Simon 'Wicksy' Wicks is straight. And has feelings for a guy who dresses as a girl. But he's still straight, right?

At first I was worried for the obvious reasons. Was Wicksy really taking advantage of Charlie by ignoring the masculine side of him and flaunting the femme? Jay quickly dispelled that thought when the characters voiced their own worry.

Things weren't easy, but the support of family and friends allowed each of them to acknowledge and accept what they felt was true and real for them. It was amazing to read and get to know both Simon and Charlie. The intense feelings between them were palpable.

I've loved each book in this series, but I have to admit... I've been waiting for Wicksy's story. He's intrigued me from the start and Jay Northcote did NOT disappoint. I loved this book. I loved how carefully played out it all was. It was crafted with intent and so very well done. Do yourself a favor and read this awesome tale of love and awareness.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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