Monday, March 25, 2019

Play It AgainPlay It Again by Aidan Wayne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The premise sounding fun and cute and I am a sucker for an MC with a disability. But I just did not love this story, unfortunately.

Dovid has a Youtube show called Don't Look Now and is blind. With the help of his twin sister, he travels and reviews food and spaces and pretty much everything. He's got a huge, loyal fan-base and a pretty good life. When his sister shows him a video of Youtuber Sam playing his video game online, he's immediately drawn to his voice, then to his overall adorable personality.

The story was so very cute, but it didn't stop there. It was adorable and love-able and the back and forth texting between the two MC's was fun and creative. But it went on and on...and on. It took months before anything happened. Months. And while a slow burn is totally worth the wait, this just was missing that element.

One of the characters termed themselves a homoromantic asexual, which was awesome, but there just didn't feel like the loooooong build up to a relationship led anywhere. When they finally were in the same location, there was no apex. I just was hoping for something more...

I did really enjoy how supportive and uplifting Dovid was with everything dealing with Sam. He would have followed him to the moon and camped there if Sam asked and that was the best part of this story. Very sweet.

At the end there was a very, very sweet HEA that added a lot of bonus points for this reader.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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