Saturday, March 23, 2019

Chasing Chance (Gilcrest University Guys #1)Chasing Chance by M.E. Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

While I was totally excited about this book, I have some mixed feelings about how it played out.

Chance and Andy have been best friends since they were just kids. They did everything together, to the point where Chance's parents questioned/warned him about being gay. It just wasn't an option in their home. Andy's parents were glad to see him happy.

But when they were in high school, everything changed and Chance ghosted Andy when he came out. Now, in college, circumstances put them back into each other's lives and they are weathering the storm of feelings that they both have for each other.

I think the jock/nerd trope can be really fun to read when it's done right. To me this was very cliche. I felt like Chance got away with being so closed off and Andy put up with it all. Told from alternating POV's we got in Chance's head and could see how he felt, which helped me not completely hate him, but I just really wanted him to be a little less in the closet at the end of the day.

There wasn't enough here for me to be okay with the relationship the way it was and not feel like it was getting into 'dirty little secret' territory.

The story ended abruptly with a blurb for book 2, which is the continuation of their story as they both go home for Christmas break. I'd have liked a bit more of a warning or some kind of wrap up of this book before just ending it, but that wasn't to be. I'm hoping the next story will give Chance and Andy the relationship they deserve.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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