Friday, February 8, 2019

Pretend You're MinePretend You're Mine by Sloane Kennedy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my second Sloane Kennedy book and I have to say, I just can't get enough.

This was a short story but it was full of so much heat and love and acceptance. The writing just pulls you in and makes you feel every moment. It's just perfect.

When Devon overhears an argument on the other side of the fence, he finds a way to interrupt and finds himself stunned by the man who's renting next door. And he's got to come to terms with the fact that his body is reacting this way to a man.

Sebastian has had one boyfriend...who ended up hurting him spectacularly. He's also living in fear after a being mugged at gunpoint and left broken. So when he realizes that his new neighbor is straight, but is the nicest, most charming, friendliest, and best looking guy he's ever seen, he's not really sure what he's doing.

All the feels were felt. Not just told... but felt. I love this story. I love this author. I can't wait to sink my teeth into more of her work.

Available for FREE on Prolific Works.

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Kneading You by C.S. Poe My rating: 4 of 5 stars 4.25 Stars This was a novella done right. It had all of the elements of a flirty, believ...