Saturday, January 12, 2019

Pisces Floors Taurus (Signs of Love, #4.5)Pisces Floors Taurus by Anyta Sunday
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you aren't familiar with Zane and Beckett, you MUST read Pisces Hooks Taurus. It was on my top 2018 reads and it's one you don't want to miss.

This short little HEA addition to that story was everything well wrapped and placed on a platter for us readers. This story begins with Zane and Becky finishing up their stint abroad and returning home. Zane is (no so) patiently waiting for two things to happen.

First, he wants Beckett to top him...for the first timenopressure! Secondly, he wants that proposal he was promised when they returned to the US.

Becky is just as charming and fun in this snippet as he was in PHT and Zane is his typical breezy self, with a wee bit of anxiety and it was adorable. I love these boys so much and love that Anyta Sunday gave us the HEA we were dying for.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted on *

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