Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Don't Fear the (Not Really Grim) ReaperDon't Fear the (Not Really Grim) Reaper by Carole Cummings
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was the type of read that I absolutely needed right now. I laughed and sighed and fell in love a bit.

Emery Sutton was just walking across the street when he saw the man of his dreams...and then he saw the wings. Yeah, that was weird.

Waking up in the morgue, he doesn't feel dead. Well, he must have died, but he's no longer dead. So he gets up, metaphorically dusts himself off and goes about his business, only to find the Reaper has come back. And when he touches Emery again, ugh. Dead.

Now that this has happened a few times, it seems like Heaven and Hell both want a say in what's going on, but nothing can compare to the wrath of a mother scorned.

Oh, and let's not forget about the HOOOT reaper. Emery sure hasn't.

This book was so fun and likeable and every character was great. I loved Emery's sister, who wanted to walk in his footsteps. I loved his dad who was more worried about the minions from hell wrecking his lawn than he was about their actual presence.

I'd totally recommend this and I'd read it again. I just wish there was more to the story... *sigh.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to *

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