Thursday, September 20, 2018

Crooked Tree Ranch (Montana, #1)Crooked Tree Ranch by R.J. Scott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

When Jay is laid off from his marketing job, he decides it's the perfect opportunity to start over with his sister and her teenage daughter and 6 yr old son. A job in Montana is posted by Crooked Tree Ranch looking for someone to develop their brand and website. The three Todd brothers run the ranch and realize that it's losing money. If they don't do something to drum up business they could lose everything. When they hire Jay, it seems they have all they need in more ways than one.

Okay, so this book was super sugar coated. Everything was easy. Everyone ended up getting along. No conflicts lasted more than a page. Which, yeah, can sometimes work, but this was a book with a lot of side stories going on and not enough action in my opinion.

The overall story was great and the characters each had so much potential. I felt like there could have been much more in depth reveal to each, though. It would have been nice to have a better background on each to understand their motives a bit better.

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