Monday, August 6, 2018

Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy, #1)Escaping Exile by Sara Dobie Bauer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was given this ARC by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love, love, loved this book.

The vampire Andrew has killed one too many people and is exiled from New Orleans to an island in South America. After 4 years of living off the land and animals, another ship is wrecked on shore and there is a survivor. Given the chance at drinking human blood, Andrew must decide his fate. Does he want company more than his thirst? Is he strong enough to keep this human alive? In the end, how much can he take?

This was a short one, but I truly loved every word. The relationship was sweet and endearing and I felt like I was reading a fable towards the end. I cannot wait to read the rest of this Escape Trilogy. Book one was FANTASTIC!

View all my reviews

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