Monday, April 29, 2019

Promises (Coda Book 1)Promises by Marie Sexton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've heard so many wonderful things about this book so I was super excited to have a chance to read it for the first time as the second edition is set to come out.

I loved so many things about this story. The relationship that started as a simple test drive that created a strong bond of friendship between Jared and Matt, then ended in so much more was honestly so inspiring to read. I loved the turmoil that went through each of them at different times while they were together. And then when everything finally clicked, it was so worth the wait.

Stories like this remind us that no one is perfect. No one has all the answers. There are always going to be people who don't agree with you or don't approve of what you do. But you have to live your life for you and what makes you happy. This was a great reminder of that. I loved the way they loved each other.

I had wished for a bit more of a neatly wrapped ending, but there was an HEA regardless. It was a sweet, emotional and delightful read with a short prequel in addition.

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