Friday, April 26, 2019

In The Absence Of LightIn The Absence Of Light by Adrienne Wilder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where do I even start? This was pure heaven.

Grant has retired from his shipping empire and moved to the middle of nowhere as a temporary hideout until he can flee with his money to an island paradise to live out his days on the water.

When he meets Morgan, it's obvious right away that something is different with him. And it's not just the fact that Morgan has autism. He's special. And beautiful. And perfect.

But the past comes back to haunt them both...

I loved Morgan so much. I have a special place in my heart for him. My son has autism and I loved reading Morgan's story. He's strong and courageous and the love that Grant had for him was incredible.

The words in this story danced off the page. It was lovely.

"I'm not cold, at least, not on the outside."

Morgan sighed. "The inside cold is always worse."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you can put a coat on to stay warm, but there isn't much you can do for your heart."

Gah. So yeah, read it and let it change your life.

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