Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Speak No EvilSpeak No Evil by J.R. Gray
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story was really enjoyable. It was easy going and fun and the characters totally grew on me.

Weston is a contract killer who is trying to dissolve his marriage. A native of NOLA, he's shied away from Voodoo all his life, but his ex has cursed him and vows that she will never let him leave her.

Eli is a military man who's seen too much. He is a closeted gay man with a thing for a guy he doesn't know has a contract to watch him. And once they meet, everything erupts and all they can do is stick together.

There isn't a cliffhanger at the end, but not all of the strings are tied off, so I'm hoping there will be a sequel in the works. And honestly, I got really invested in Eli and Weston as their story progressed.

It took me a while to get into this, first because I didn't care much for Weston. He told his story with the use of flashbacks, which aren't my favorite. He just seemed like kind of a jerk, honestly. But things changed once he got caught up with Eli and did a little dance in the hospital whilst drugged. Things changed between them and Weston seemed to soften at his edges.

From there the action never stopped. There were guns and chases and black magic. It was thrilling and funny and sweet. I quite enjoyed the story, the characters and the craziness of the voodoo goddess. I can't wait to find out what happens next in their story.

*Galley copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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