Monday, March 18, 2019

No Quick Fix (Torus Intercession #1)No Quick Fix by Mary Calmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, Mary, how I love you so.

The words that she writes just always do me in. My only grrrr moment in this was I had to wait a verrrrrrry long time for the sparks. I wanted more.

The characters in this were so humble and sweet and fun. I fell in love with them instantly.

Brann Calder is a fixer. It's a loose term, as far as I can tell. He works for Torus Intercession, a securities company that basically is hired to pretty much do anything support-wise. From contracting home remodels to babysitting to protective detail, they take a job and move wherever needed until it's completion. So, when Brann gets the call to watch over a man and his two daughters until his upcoming nuptials, he's less than thrilled. Add the fact that Emery Dodd lives in Nowhere, Montana and you can imagine the excitement.

But when he arrives and is greeted by the family, he's pretty much instantly taken by all of them, including Emery.

Emery's character reminded me so much of Nathan from Mary Calmes' Acrobat. He was a nurturer from day one and would die for those he loved. He was charismatic and compassionate and oh so loving. I have to say I longed for the sweet touches and smiles he threw at Brann throughout their story. He was so tactile and it was such a lovely trait.

Brann was a retired SEAL, but he wore his heart on his sleeve and wasn't afraid to be himself in any circumstance. He was alive and raw and unapologetic. I loved him from the start.

This book is the start of a series and I'm so excited to read what else Mary has in store for these characters. This was a perfect matching of two lonely, needy, loving men and it was such a pleasure to read. Definitely one of the more heart-felt books that Mary has written.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to *

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