Thursday, March 14, 2019

Heated Rivalry (Game Changers #2)Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nothing but LOVE for Rachel Reid and this enemies to lovers hockey romance.

Shane Hollander is a crazy good hockey player. And when you are THAT good, there is always someone trying to knock you down a peg. In this story, it's Russian Ilya Rozanov. Since they met as teenagers, hockey fans across the world have pegged them as rivals and the fans go crazy for their on air angst. But what they don't a lot.

I am seriously fan-girling over this book. First of all, I loved the timeline. It moved the story along so well. We got just glimpses into each time the two of them met up over years of playing. The anger and upset between them was so deep, but it made for even more passion for their private rendezvous.

I loved Ilya and how deep his character was. He had familial issues that he confided in Shane. He had worries and fears and gave of himself whole-heartedly, even when everything was on the line.

And Shane. Swoon. He just cared so hard. He was fun and light, but wore his heart on his sleeve. Such a wonderfully done character.

This book had me from the start in a vice grip and didn't let go until the end. And I want more! Full of heart and soul, you won't go wrong with this fun, sexy, action packed story.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to*

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