Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Backstreets (Hot Wire #2)Backstreets by Kat Cassidy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As a second book in the series, I wouldn't recommend this as a standalone. That being said, you should absolutely pick up the first book if you haven't. This series is so full of action, suspense, thrills and romance.

We pick up a few months were we left off with Nik being the affectionate, sweet but dirty widower in love with the newly reformed bad boy Peter. But not everything is roses. Peter is having a hard time fitting into the home of Nik and his late wife and it's coming up on the anniversary of her death. With that tension between them, Nik's daughter is taken from school.

Since Peter is out of the game, they have to rely on Peter's sister and father to help them figure out which Family is involved in the abduction and then decide if there's still enough between them to make it work.

I really love Kat Cassidy's writing style. It seems effortless and fun, but is so fast paced and full of action. The characters are seemingly simple, yet are so capable of twisting your emotions on a dime. This is really well done and I'm excited for another book!

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to *

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