Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Salt Magic, Skin MagicSalt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

This was positively magical.

I had no idea that I was into Victorian/Fantasy, but this was just awesome.

Lee Welch created a world of human/seals and child size hedgehogs and magic and alchemy and I found myself saying, just five more minutes until it was done. There was just so much to the plot. So many twists and turns that kept me guessing and my anxiety on alert.

Joel Leslie has no boundaries. He does epic voices, makes me feel everything that is going on in the story and adds so much life to the characters. I loved his take on Lord Thornby in this. He has such a way of making the characters jump out at you, you just feel like you are right there running with the hedgehog and talking to mounds of salt.

I would absolutely recommend this book because the story was amazingly well done, but I'd recommend the audiobook for the magic that Joel Leslie brings.

*Audio copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to *

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