Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Racing into Love (Cut to the Feeling #1)Racing into Love by Noah Steele
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was some pretty solid story building and writing.

Aiden has a full life. He's the owner of a bookstore and the best friend of Oliver, his roommate. He's had a traumatic experience that has left him unable to ride in cars so he's subjected to public transportation to get around. He's also really bad at dating. When he meets Derrek at the bookstore, something tells him to forget his boy troubles and give this a shot.

Derrek loves cars. He's been a professional racer for years and he's not looking to give it up for anything. But when his mind goes straight to thinking about Aiden constantly, he's considering maybe changing things up in the future.

For a first time author, I was blown away at the story. There was so much going on to keep me involved and wanting more. Yes, there was insta-love, but in a good way. They fell hard and fast, but there was also waiting and wanting and sloooooow burn. And then it was ON!

"We're going to devour every inch of each other until there's nothing left."

I loved both Aiden and Derrek. They were each so genuine and true to their characters. I felt the pull they had towards each other and their story was inspiring.

As much as I enjoyed the plot and the action, I felt like the ending was somewhat disassociated from the rest of the story. It just felt like what ended up happening to Aiden changed both of the MC's paths and I'm not sure I felt like it was for the better. It just seemed to come out of nowhere, instead of being something that was dreamed up before or spoken of previously.

Overall, this was an exciting, fast paced read with a burn and an epic love story complete with tons of feels and fun. Definitely recommended and highly entertaining.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to http://gaybook.reviews/ *

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