Sunday, February 10, 2019

A Lord to LoveA Lord to Love by Sara Dobie Bauer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If I could just get about 200 more pages of Harrison and John I think I'd have died happy.

Sara's a genius at prose and this story's writing is marvelous, as always. I can't say enough about this Victorian tale of love.

John Morgan has wanted Harrison Price for three years. He's almost twice his age, but that can't matter. He's also somewhat of a villain to the Price family, but that won't stop him from getting what he wants. Needs. Or will it?

Harrison lost his mother and now his father has died. Just when he feels lost and alone, John offers him a future full of love. He only has to say 'yes'.

It was obvious from the start that John didn't just love Harrison, he cherished him. Sara has a way with words and I seriously fell in love with both MC's from the start.

"I am half dead. I always have been. Bring me to life, John. Make my heart beat."

I may or may not have girly squeeed when I read this, but so will you. Honestly. This is a must read and it's a quick read that will leave you panting and needy and wanting more words.

*Copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. To be cross posted closer to the release date.*

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