Thursday, January 17, 2019

Unlocking the Doctor's HeartUnlocking the Doctor's Heart by Liam Livings
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Honestly, this was a difficult read for me.

It started out with Davie, a nurse, starting a new job at a hospital in London. He's trying to get into the hospital for a walk through, but he doesn't have his staff pass yet, so he's arguing with the desk clerk. When Leo, a staff doctor gets involved, he takes on Davie as his responsibility and shows him around. When they end up working together in the youth transplant ward, they spend a lot of time together at the hospital, but also forge a friendship out of work.

I felt the potential in this story and wanted it so badly to move me, but it just didn't get me there. First off, Davie tells Leo he won't date another doctor, yet every time they spend time together his thoughts are quite the opposite. Leo has an issue to overcome with his ex, but won't discuss it and won't have a relationship because of it. So. That leaves them with longing and a slow burn. But this wasn't the delicious kind of slow burn. I just wanted them to finally get together.

Without completely spoiling the review, I'll just say that there was an HEA, but it only happened in the last 5% of the story, so I honestly didn't feel it. I saw more of the characters apart than together, which was unfortunate.

I did enjoy Davie's character and the compassion he showed for his patients and the ability he had to wear his heart on his sleeve when it mattered most. There just wasn't enough there to keep me rooting for the romance to happen.

*Galley copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to *

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