Monday, January 21, 2019

How To Be A Normal PersonHow To Be A Normal Person by T.J. Klune
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I mean, how could I even give less than ALL THE STARS to TJ Klune. OMG. So, I am super late to the whole TJ is the most amazing author party, but I'm here now. This is the fourth book, I think, that I've read of his and yeah. All the stars.

I read this now because How to Be a Movie Star is up and coming and I can't be left out, see. But this was so different and so similar to what I've read of his before. I honestly felt like Gustavo Tiberius had a wee bit of Ox in him.

Gus was so awkward in the most magical of ways. From his love of his albino ferret Harry S. Truman to his best friends, a trio of Vespa driving elderly women in matching jackets, he was perfect and whole and omg so funny.

So, there were a few lines in this book that I must quote because I almost died and I feel as though they should be tied to this review for my posterity in case of my sudden demise.

"What are you smiling at?" "I wasn't smiling. I was doing lip stretches."

"Speaking of old, just how old are you?" "Twenty-nine." "You poor thing. Don't worry. I hear thirty is the new something something. I don't even know. You'll make it work, somehow. I believe in you."

"I'll be honest, I'm sort of stoned because I got nervous again about coming over here because I like you so much and I have no idea what you just said." "I made ham because I'm nervous." "Fuck yeah. We're, like, a power couple. Or something."

Just do yourself a massive favor and read this and then read all of TJ Klune's other books. End of.

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