My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really loved this story. It's grittier than what I usually read and I haven't read the first two books, yet I LOVED this one.
Ghost was just amazing. I loved every second of him. I loved his tenacity. And his ability to want. He just really wowed me more and more as the story went on.
It started with Ghost running from his cop 'caretaker' and Mama, the head of an underground sex slave ring. His only ally is taking him to a bear of a man, who's also a cop, named Duncan Rook.
The rest of the story is them on the lamb, learning about themselves and each other, getting closer, pushing each other away, and trying to do the right thing.
"You told me to pay for things. So I did... I'll pay for things now because you want me to... But the rest of being good...I don't know how."
Ghost was just heartbreaking and tender. I just loved how much he tried. And then there was Duncan. Oh, man. He was the most patient, passionate, understanding man.
"You're at the base of the mountain and I'm at the summit. There are things I can see that you can't."
He just got it. He got Ghost and Ghost got him and it was perfect.
Great read. Loved it all.
*Galley copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*
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