My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Life in Fusion picked up exactly where Sno Ho left off, with Boone just back from his trip to Colorado after meeting and falling in love with Wade, the gold medal skier and town golden boy.
It was interesting to me how this book really pulled me in. I'd already read about Boone and Wade meeting, falling in love, then separating with the promise of Boone moving to Colorado after six months, to ensure the relationship went beyond the physical.
And boy, this book sure didn't skimp on the physical. And it was HOT, but it went beyond that. We still got the super snarky Boone with his whorish out there personality and his inner vulnerability. I found that the more vulnerable he was, the more I actually LIKED Wade, which was a relief, because I'd been questioning his character in Sno Ho.
This story was packed with day to day goings on, parties, work, meeting the parents, friends, accidents, exes, etc. So many different times and places that things could go wrong, yet they managed to get it all right, with an edge and a lot of fast talking from Boone.
On to the next in the series... I can't wait!
*Galley copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted on http://gaybook.reviews/ *
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