Thursday, October 4, 2018

Patchwork ParadisePatchwork Paradise by Indra Vaughn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was really well done. It was a roller coaster of emotions all the way through. Honestly, writing a book like this that deals with so many issues (death, cheating, miscarriage, PPD, a baby, grief) is super difficult, but this was so comfortable and smooth.

It took almost the entire book for the MC's to get together, but by the time it happened it was right.

There was a torturous slow burn in the very best way. There was an amazing supporting cast of characters that only added to the story. Tons of drama and a lot of heavy, but it was so well written that it worked. By the end of Ollie's story I felt like I'd lived the span of a couple of years with him. I knew who he was, I felt the supportive love of his mom and I knew he'd have his happy ever after.

Indra Vaughn surprised and delighted me with this one and I'm so glad that I read it.

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