Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I Love You, Johnny DarlingI Love You, Johnny Darling by Jere' M. Fishback
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Johnny Darling is leaving his mom and sister behind and starting his single life at UF in Gainesville. When his new roommate Ben arrives, he's delighted by him and they quickly become best friends. But when Ben tells Johnny his secret, Johnny shares one as well and it leads them down a very different path.

Okay, so I really liked the writing. I liked the inclusion of music that was always playing when they were in the car because it brought me back to the relevant times and how different they are from today. It was fun to hear about Ben's GTO and Steve's VW.

I loved Ben's character. He had depth and pain and grief and a maturity that was so sweet. And he was just an all around nice nice guy. I wanted so much more for him. I was agonizing over Johnny and his treatment of Ben. Every single time he had an opportunity to do the right thing, he caved and was selfish and heartbreaking and I just couldn't stand him by the end. I almost hoped for a different ending just because I feel like Ben was so much more deserving of someone with integrity and respect.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review by NineStar Press, Inc via NetGalley.

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