Saturday, August 11, 2018

Upon Broken WingsUpon Broken Wings by E.L. Reedy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was given this ARC by the publisher and BookSprout in exchange for an honest review.

The writing. I don't even know what to say. It was like nothing I've ever read. It was exceptional. As cliche and rote as this sounds, I feel like I've transcended some level of knowledge now that I've read this. This book shows love and hate and fear and anger and truth and light in the most heartbreaking courageous way.

Andrew has Autism and has lost his father, his mother, his uncle, his best friend. He's waiting for the day to finally join them. Kiernan has just been outed to his school and is the victim of an unfathomable hate crime. They both decide that everyone around them would be better off without them, thus ending their lives on the same night.

But fate and destiny and a higher being has other plans. Andrew's family shows Andrew the meaning of life and why we are here on Earth. They give Andrew the keys to help him help Kiernan understand that more people love him and that hope is everything.

Read this book. You won't regret.

View all my reviews

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